These live sessions are for students and Art Biz Connection community members.

All times listed are Eastern Time, U.S. (New York). 

Get It Done Days: 30 min
Studio Talks: 45 min
Labs: 60-75 min
Accelerator Salon and Office Hours: 45-60 min


Future months follow a similar schedule.

About Gatherings + Our Team

  • All students and community members have access to everything here except the calls that are only for Accelerator members. Pick and choose the ones of most interest to you and that work with your schedule. The reason we offer so many is so that you have options. 😇
  • These gatherings are described below.
  • Dates, times, and topics are subject to change on rare occasions.
Suzanne Gibbs

Artist mentor Suzanne Gibbs leads STUDIO TALKS, GET IT DONE DAYS, and other sessions for members.

STUDIO TALKS are a time to discuss the hard work you do in the studio. While most of our other sessions are about business, Studio Talks are about making.

GET IT DONE DAYS are days we set aside to do work that we’ve been avoiding and want group energy to help motivate and hold us accountable. Suzanne helps you bypass procrastination and perfectionism and take actionable steps toward your goals.

Suzanne, who joins us from the Columbia Gorge in the PNW or Portland, is a life-long artist and the self-published author of 3 books. She loves making art, cheering on others to be creative, and swimming in the lake with otters.  @suzannegibbsart

Alyson Stanfield

Art business coach and consultant and founder of Art Biz Success Alyson Stanfield leads live LAB SESSIONS for all members and SALON DISCUSSIONS and OPEN OFFICE HOURS for Art Biz Accelerator membership level. She  occasionally fills in for other sessions (or adds more that thinks will help).

Alyson is the creator of all Art Biz Success learning programs and the leader of the community. She’s the host of The Art Biz podcast, and the author of I’d Rather Be in the Studio. She joins calls from her home in Golden, Colorado. @alysonstanfield